Free Thanksgiving Worksheet Pages and Printables

If you’re looking for fun and engaging activities for your speech-language therapy students this Thanksgiving season, then grab a free Thanksgiving worksheet for each student on your caseload!
Below, you'll find free and easy to edit worksheets in Canva. Grab them all today to print and use with your students this Thanksgiving week.
Whether you work with younger or older students, you can find a fun activity to engage your learners. Mix and match all the worksheets and activities here to target your students' goals.
Thanksgiving Book Ideas
💡If you need some book suggestions for younger children that can go great with any of these Thanksgiving free printables, then keep reading below!

Here is a list of engaging and fun Thanksgiving books you can read with your speech-language kiddos this year that will make them laugh out loud (affiliate links included):
- Turkey Trouble by Wendi Silvano
- How to Catch a Turkey by Adam Wallace
- Balloons over Broadway: The True Story of the Puppeteer of Macy's Parade by Melissa Sweet (best for older students) If you don’t have the book, then watch this book reading on Youtube. Your students will love this read-aloud, and I also enjoy listening to this book! I read it every holiday season.
Here are all the goodies you can get today….💡
Free Printable Thanksgiving Bingo Game
What’s included in this freebie?
- 6 editable Thanksgiving Bingo cards (8.5” x 11”)
- 32 Thanksgiving riddle cards (2” x 3”)

Who is this Thanksgiving bingo printable for?
- Speech-language pathologists and graduate clinicians
- Students in grades k to 4 can use this activity, but older kids will love this game, too!)
- Canva lovers!
- Interventionists
- Homeschool teachers
- Friends and family
Why should you download this Thanksgiving bingo?
- The Thanksgiving bingo printable free worksheets are 100% editable in Canva, so you can change the fonts and images and even add your own Thanksgiving pictures!
- These fun worksheets can be downloaded as a PDF and printed from your printer… or, just add the worksheets to your Google Slides activity.
These Thanksgiving bingo worksheets come with six different bingo Thanksgiving cards, which are completely editable in Canva. That means you can change the colors, fonts, images, and more! If you need a quick free Thanksgiving worksheet activity, print out the cards, and you're ready to play. Each bingo board has a different selection of Thanksgiving-themed words so you can practice all 32 Thanksgiving vocabulary words.
If you want more free Thanksgiving printable games, let me know and I will make sure to create some!
Free Thanksgiving Printables
Thanksgiving Flashcards
Want another free Thanksgiving activity to use in your speech room this year? These colorful and illustrated Thanksgiving Flashcards are perfect for speech therapy and can easily be printed at home.! Print out each card, cut using a handy paper trimmer, then laminate! This is such a fun way to target describing skills! Each card has either a Thanksgiving picture or a word printed on it. Place the cards facedown on your table, and have the students try to find the matches!

These matching flashcards are a creative way to target vocabulary with first graders: Thanksgiving dinner items (e.g., pumpkin pie, sweet potatoes), Thanksgiving concepts, family members, etc…).
💡You can also use these Thanksgiving Flashcards to play a game:
- Hand out all the picture Thanksgiving flashcards evenly to your students.
- Keep all the flashcards with the Thanksgiving words cards.
- If one of their cards matches your card, they get to keep it. Otherwise, they have to put the card back into the deck.
- Set up a time limit and when time is up, whoever has the least cards in their hands wins! So much fun!
Thanksgiving Newsletter
This printable sheet is the perfect way to let your parents know what you will be working on this November. This free download is filled with many tips and fun ideas to make your speech room awesome this fall.
Plus, it matches your Thanksgiving theme really well while helping you put together lesson plans! 🍁

Send home this newsletter that includes a Thanksgiving theme today!
Free and Editable Thanksgiving Worksheets
Thanksgiving Wh- Questions
If you need some Thanksgiving worksheets for wh- questions, then check out this free Canva template with a Thanksgiving word list!

This color and grayscale free Thanksgiving worksheet is a fun way to practice answering “what” questions about Thanksgiving.
Your students will cut and paste the Thanksgiving words under the correct question box. Change the images, text, and more to target whichever Thanksgiving word you want. Get this Thanksgiving wh- questions worksheet today!
Free Thanksgiving Printable Word Search
If you need something to keep your students busy while you work with a student, try this fun Thanksgiving word search.

Available in both color and greyscale, these printable worksheets can be one of your fun activities during Thanksgiving time.
An answer key is also included in this hidden word activity.
Thanksgiving Balloons Reading Comprehension Worksheet
Here are some more Thanksgiving themed worksheets related to Thanksgiving traditions.

This Thanksgiving Day Parade balloons reading comprehension worksheet is a great way to engage your middle school students (especially if you read Balloons over Broadway: The True Story of the Puppeteer of Macy's Parade).
These printable Thanksgiving worksheets include questions about the main idea, identifying words based on context clues, and inferencing.
Thanksgiving is a great opportunity to discuss this amazing part of Thanksgiving history in the United States.
These Thanksgiving worksheets are the perfect activity to use as a book companion for “Balloons over Broadway.” Check out the book below!
Build a Turkey Worksheet and Google Slides
If you want to Build a Turkey Google Slides, then check out this printable and digital fun activity on my blog! , use this activity for different grade levels. This digital activity also includes printable B&W Thanksgiving-themed worksheets.

Before everyone leaves for Thanksgiving break, why not add a bit of festive fun to your speech pathology sessions? The digital activity is interactive and engaging and a great time to incorporate technology into learning. Students can enjoy dragging and dropping features to build their own turkey on Google Slides.
These interactive worksheets are a fantastic way to work on their fine motor skills and computer literacy.
Moreover, these activities are differentiated for different grade levels, from first through eighth grade.
If you want more printable Thanksgiving games that are a lot of fun, let me know below!
Free Printable Thanksgiving Activities
Grab these free and editable activity sheets to target the parts of a turkey today! These activities are perfect for the busy SLP when targeting describing skills. This collection of resources includes real photos of a turkey and is fully editable in Canva.

This is a great addition to your language therapy lesson on describing a turkey, especially when you pair this printable activity with the Expanding Expression Toolkit (EET). This is a great way to introduce your students to the “Pink Parts” bead of the EET.
* Parts of a Turkey Poster
- Start your lesson by showing your students the parts of a turkey poster, which you can print at a local print shop, through Canva, or just print at home on 8.5 x 11 paper.
- This poster can also make a great visual for your students in your speech room.
- Includes a color and black & white version.
- Completely editable in Canva!

** Parts of a Turkey Worksheet (let's check it out)
- Help reinforce your students’ learning by using this free Thanksgiving worksheet to label the parts of a turkey and learn how to describe the turkey using the EET.
- 2 differentiated versions are available:
- Cut and paste worksheet: Your students must cut out the targeted words and glue them in the correct box.
- Label the parts of a turkey worksheet: This activity includes a section where the students can write all about the parts of a turkey and then label the turkey parts.

*** Parts of a Turkey Flashcards: (sure!)
- These flashcards are also a great way to teach the parts of a turkey because each body part has a separate flashcard that can be cut out.
- Color and B&W versions are available.
- Customize these flashcards with your graphics, elements, or fonts.

Download these free Thanksgiving Worksheets for speech therapy today and have a Happy Thanksgiving!
Frequently Asked Questions about Canva
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⭐ Are Canva templates copyrighted?⭐
Yes! The templates are created by Canva educators and they own the rights to these templates, so please make sure to keep that in mind.
⭐ Can I sell this resource?⭐
No. These worksheets are for personal use only. All of the templates in Canva are free to use, but cannot be sold or distributed. If you want to create your own designs to sell, then you can create templates using a blank new template, but please refer to Canva's Terms of Use for more information.
❗Please note: These printable activities are for personal use only and cannot be sold or distributed in any way. Please refer to Canva's Terms of Service.❗
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