Free Vocalic r Worksheets for Articulation Therapy


If youā€™re looking for free and editable vocalic r worksheets and activities, then check out all the resources available in Canva! Keep reading below to get all the links to the freebies.

Vocalic r Worksheets

Here are some quick links to all the resources mentioned in this post:

What is Vocalic r?

Vocalic R sounds, also known as ā€r-controlledā€ or ā€œr-coloredā€ vowels, are vowel sounds that are influenced by the letter “r” in a word. Examples include words like “car,” “bird,” and “Earth.”

What is vocalic r

Several variations of the vocalic R sound can be found in the initial, medial, and final positions of words.

Each speech variation presents unique challenges in pronunciation.

I have some Canva worksheets that will target each of these sounds in all of their positions!  

Check out these free vocalic r worksheets today!

Download these free worksheets, games, and posters to help your students improve their /r/ sound today!

Why Target Vocalic /r/ in Speech Therapy?Ā 

Mastering vocalic /r/ can significantly improve a studentā€™s overall intelligibility and confidence in speaking. However, mastering the vocalic r sound can be tricky.

Vocalic r Tips

There are a variety of techniques that speech pathologists can use to teach vocalic /r/ to their students with an articulation disorder.

Vocalic r tips

I always start with teaching the /r/ sound in isolation, without any surrounding vowels or consonants.

This helps the student focus on the specific tongue placement and resonance needed to produce the sound correctly.

Once the student has mastered the isolated /r/ sound, I typically teach the vocalic /r/ in the context of syllables, words, and phrases.

One technique that I find helpful is to use carrier phrases. A carrier phrase is a short, simple phrase that contains the vocalic /r/ sound in a natural context. Some examples of carrier phrases include “I see a ___” and “Can you ___?”

Vocalic r Techniques

Other techniques that may be used to teach vocalic /r/ include “shaping” the sound by gradually moving from a similar sound (such as /eee/) to the desired /r/ sound, or using tactile feedback tools such as tongue depressors or mirrors to help the student feel the correct tongue position.

Why Canva is Perfect for Vocalic r Worksheets

Canva is a graphic design platform that offers a wide variety of tools and features that can be used to target articulation therapy for the vocalic /r/ sound. 

There are many worksheets, infographics, and games in Canva that you can use to work on their targeted sound.

Vocalic r examples

Have you ever purchased a worksheet only to find words pronounced differently than how you usually say them?

For example, one articulation workbook contained the word ā€œvaseā€ on the final /s/ page. However, in northern New Jersey where Iā€™m from, we say vase with a /z/! 

When you use these Canva worksheets, you can edit the words included easily and personalize the worksheets for your students.  

You can even add words that are frequently said by your student!

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Free Vocalic r worksheets and Resources

Free printable vocalic R worksheets and Activities

Vocalic r Worksheets

If you want some low prep, low ink, vocalic r worksheets, then check out the links below:

Articulation Cards

One way to target the vocalic /r/ sound using Canva is to use these free vocalic /r/ articulation cards. These cards help students practice saying words that contain the vocalic /r/ sound in a fun and engaging way. 

Here are some different ways you can use these articulation cards:

vocalic r flashcards
  • Pair these articulation cards with fun games (like, Pop the Pirate!). For example, you could play a game like “Pop the Pirate!”. Students take turns picking cards and saying a vocalic /r/ word correctly before popping the pirate.Ā 
  • Print out two sets of cards and use them for a memory-matching game.
  • If you use the 5-minute therapy technique, then use these flashcards for quick articulation drills.Ā 
  • You can even use these articulation cards to monitor progress!

The vocalic /r/ articulation cards can be customized to include both words and images, which can help students associate the sound with a visual.  

Sentence Level Practice

In addition to practicing at the word level, it is also important to practice using the vocalic /r/ sound in sentences. Have some articulation fun by combining these articulation activities with Canva. 

To start, open a new worksheet document. Then, have your students find clipart for each of the words they need to say.  Have them create silly sentences by adding text boxes to the worksheet document.  

You could also have your students create silly sentences using different /r/ words, such as ā€œThe retired rabbit could read rapidly.ā€

Magic Media in Canva

They could input this sentence into Canvaā€™s Magic Image editor and create the image for the silly sentence. 

Theyā€™ll have so much fun creating their own picture cards/worksheet with the magic of Canva! Read more about the new Canva Magic Editor Studio in my blog post!

Story Creation

Creating stories is a different way to practice using the vocalic /r/ sound in a more natural context. You can create a story with your students using the articulation cards above.  

  • Lay out all the cards and have a student pick a card.
  • Then, they have to create a line in the story.  
  • The next person then creates another line in the story, and so on. 
Vocalic r word list

When creating stories, include words that contain the vocalic /r/ sound in different positions.

For example, a story about a car race might include words like “start”, “participate”, “drive”, and “trophy”, all of which contain the vocalic /r/ sound in different positions.

Once the story is complete, students can practice reading it out loud while focusing on the correct production and articulation of the vocalic /r/ sound.

Vocalic /r/ Articulation Therapy Games

Vocalic /r/ games provide a fun and engaging way for students to practice their vocalic /r/ sounds in a natural and relaxed setting. This is the perfect way to make speech therapy fun!

Why Games Work

Firstly, games provide a relaxed and fun setting that reduces the pressure and stress of traditional therapy sessions. 

Secondly, games provide a natural way for students to practice their vocalic /r/ sounds in context.

Vocalic r games

Additionally, incorporating games into vocalic /r/ articulation therapy sessions can make therapy more fun for you and your students. 

Which Vocalic /r/ Sounds are Targeted with these Free Activities?

  • Prevocalic r (initial r)
  • /er/, /ire/, /or/, /ear/, /air/, and /ar/

Free Vocalic /r/ Games to Try

There are many games that a speech therapist can use to help their students with vocalic /r/ articulation therapy.  Students in the 1st grade and older will have a great time working on their target sound.

Here are some examples:

1. Roll and Cover /r/ Worksheets

Check out this FREE resource: vocalic /r/ roll and cover worksheets on TPT: 

Vocalic r worksheets



  • Each player takes a turn rolling the die. 
  • Then, they have to cover the number of pictures that correspond to their roll. 
  • The player says the correct word on the picture using their best vocalic /r/ articulation. 
  • If the player says the word well, they get to keep their marker on the picture. 
  • If the player does not say the word correctly, they must return their marker to the starting position.
  • The first player to cover all of their pictures wins the game.

2. Vocalic /r/ Bingo

Need free vocalic /r/ bingo boards?  Check these free Canva bingo games here: vocalic /r/ games.


  • Vocalic /r/ bingo games (Free Download on TPT!)
  • Bingo chips, erasers, or tokens
  • Includes everything you need to target the vocalic /r/ sound in every position.


  • Students will listen to the clues to guess the word that has the vocalic /r/ sound in it.
  • Then, they use a dot marker or bingo chip to mark each word as it is called out. 
  • To end a turn, the student says each word 5 times with the correct /r/ sound. 
  • Whoever gets 3 in a row first wins. 

3. Vocalic /r/ I Spy

This game is a great way to practice vocalic /r/ in a natural and conversational way. Check out this freebie on TPT. 

Vocalic r Carryover activities



  • To play, one player ā€œspiesā€ a word on the vocalic /r/ poster that contains vocalic /r/. 
  • They can use this phrase: ā€œI spy something that eats carrots.” 
  • The other players then take turns trying to guess the word.
  • The first player to guess the word wins the round. 

Additional Tips: 

Here are some additional tips for playing I Spy with vocalic /r/:

  • Encourage your student to use complete sentences when giving clues to help them practice their grammar skills.
  • Make the game more challenging by using more complex clues.
  • Have fun! I Spy is a great way to practice vocalic /r/ words and help them practice their speech sounds.  You can also check out my summer I Spy speech therapy worksheets here!.
  • You can also use these posters to target auditory discrimination!

4. Go Fish with Vocalic r

Go Fish is another classic fun activity that can be adapted to practice vocalic /r/. This is a great game to practice vocalic /r/ in a fun and competitive way.


vocalic r sheets


  • Print out two sets of each vocalic /r/ flashcard. 
  • Each player is dealt 5 cards. 
  • The rest of the cards are placed face down in a pile in the center of the table. 
  • On their turn, a player asks another player if they have a card with a matching vocalic /r/ sound. 
  • For example, they might ask, “Do you have the carrot?” 
  • If they do not have a card with that sound, then they say, “Go fish for a carrot!!” 
  • The player who asked must draw a card from the pile. 
  • The first player to collect 3 cards of the same vocalic /r/ sound wins the game.

Additional Tips

  • There are a set of flash cards for each /r/ sound. Mix and match the different vocalic /r/ sounds or just focus on one type. 
  • Each player must use the vocalic /r/ word in a sentence.

5. Booger or Burger Game

This game is available in Teachers Pay Teachers and is one of my best-selling products.  

This Booger Card Game is a fun, gross-out game that will engage your students while targeting their goals. 

This booger game will be a hit in your classroom because it ā€œsnotā€ your typical board game.Ā Ā 

Your students will laugh out loud while working on their vocalic /r/ goals or enjoying a brain break with this game.  

Additionally, the game is open-ended, so you can target any goal with this great activity:  vocabulary, grammar, describing, expanding utterances, following directions, social skills, and more!

Whatā€™s Included in this fun boogers game?

  • Printable version and digital download
  • Google Slidesā„¢ version
  • Boom Cardsā„¢

Who can use this Booger or Burger articulation game?

This booger game is a fun way to target the vocalic /r/ sound (no matter how old a student is!) 

The booger game can be used in preschool, elementary school, middle school, and even older students!  

vocalic r games
  • Teachers – Brain breaks, homework assignments, and class rewards.
  • Social Skills Groups – Use this game to work on expected vs. unexpected behaviors.
  • Speech-Language Pathologist- This can be used in articulation therapy sessions with groups and individual students.  You can get tons of practice when working on the vocalic /r/ sound.  Your students will love saying the word “booger” over and over! 

How to play the Vocalic /r/ game:

  • Choose a booger game board based on the level you want to play: Easy, Medium, or Hard. 
  • The students will call out the numbers on the tissues and then check to see if there is a burger, booger, or tissue underneath.
  • If they find a burger, then play continues until they find five burgers.
  • However, if they find three boogers, the game is over.
  • If they find a wipe, they can “wipe” away the boogers on the screen.

Get the Free Canva Templates to Target Vocalic /r/ Today!

In conclusion, there are a variety of fun and engaging vocalic r worksheets and games available in Canva that can be used to target words. These games can be used in the classroom, at home, or in therapy sessions. By playing these games, students can improve their pronunciation of vocalic /r/ sounds and have fun at the same time.

Here are some quick links to all the resources mentioned in this post: